30/09/15 - EWAS Technical meeting in Chania, Crete, 23-24 September 2015

The 4th Project Meeting of the EWAS Partners took place in the city of Chania, in Crete on 23rd and 24th of September.

All project partners attended the meetings including Kostas Paterakis, Panagiotis Chatzirakis, and Iraklis Karabatsakis from DEDISA, Jose Antonio Cabo and Ignacio Garcia Vegas from Wellness Telecoms, Aida Anthouli from D-Waste, Marta Jofra, and Ignasi Puig from ENT, and José Andrés Ferrete, José Luís Comitre, and Francisco Serrano Lobato from LIPASAM.

The days were dedicated to the progress of the project. There were presentations from all partners on the development of the tasks, the fulfilment of the first deliverables, and a fruitful discussion on the requirements envisaged in the next steps. Special attention was given especially on the technical requirements for the application of the sensors inside the bins in the two pilot cities, as well as the way to involve the citizens, and local stakeholders in the project, discussing on the Social Platform.

The second day the project was presented in a Special Workshop that took place in Chania Town Hall. The event attracted several stakeholders from the local authoritiesa and waste experts.



EWAS Project meeting Chania EWAS project meeting

EWAS Technical meeting


EWAS Workhop:




Title: Efficient and sustainable waste management methodologies using ICT tools enabling GHG emissions reduction

Grant agreement no.:  LIFE13 ENV/ES/000725

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